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Gender Inequality and Hunger. International Food Policy Research Institute. Global Hunger Index 2010, The challenge of starvation: Focus on the Crisis of Child Undernutrition, Washington D. C. : International Food Policy Research Institute. Retrieved November 29, 2010, from RIN Humanitarian News and Analysis. Ratke’s lower three grades – students study German vernacular and in higher grades with classical languages similar to Hebrew, Greek and Latin; Music, Arithmetic, and religion are added 3. Bacon – Science Sense RealismRealism within the Historical Context of Education: The ‘Radical Change’: Realism in the Historical Context of Education: The ‘Radical Change’ 4. Comenius’s curriculum – “to know all matters, exam do all matters, examination say all things” Trivium and Quadrivium – grammar, rhetoric, dialect, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music and in addition physics, geography, records with particular significance History is the eye of the person’s whole life, and faith; Also blanketed guide and industrial arts, language, and play actions; Content is drawn from the realm of pursuits of the children; and, Curriculum principle – certainly one of continuity. Sense RealismRealism within the Historical Context of Education: The ‘Radical Change’: Realism in the Historical Context of Education: The ‘Radical Change’ Educational Institutions 1. Model academic establishment for medical investigation – designed by Bacon and have become the forerunner of the contemporary research college 2. Six year vernacular elementary school – for boys and women 3.
